Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Times

You know those times, the ones that hit you between the eyes and then pass you by. The times you try to grasp, you almost do -- you feel them briefly between your fingers, and then they elude you like a forgotten secret. Those times...have been haunting me for weeks now. It's been busy, and sometimes I get scared that those moments, those minute times that make up our lives, are no longer meaningful or well-lived. So --- here's to slowing down a little, lighting a few candles && sipping coffee instead of gulping.

Instead of posting kale recipes (coming later), I am instead going to post some videos that have both excited & inspired me. The first, an upcoming documentary on one of my favorite places in this entire world. The second, a new documentary that shows grassroots movements in our country that are succeeding in growing fresh, real food. YES, finally a positive food documentary that illustrates real solutions (not that I didn't enjoy the other ones). Even if you think these two aren't for you, at least watch these trailers. If I can make the time, so can you :)

JERUSALEM *** Filmed in imax 3D. Learn more at http://www.jerusalemthemovie.com/.


FRESH the Movie *** The underground documentary that became a massive grassroots success, FRESH is the embodiment of the good food movement. The farmers are truly wonderful people, and this film even features Kansas (shout out to my home state))! Learn more at http://www.freshthemovie.com/.


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