Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thinking Time

Lots of thoughts are crashing around in this young head of mine. Here are some of the ones that made it out :)

+ No matter how many months pass before I drive down my street or climb back in my old bed, going to Kansas will always feel like home.

My Home

+ Marriage has this strange way of making 5 days apart feel like an eternity. (does this get any better with time? because I've heard that separation only gets harder from here on out)

Time with my Husband

+ Trying to figure out how "successful" or "great" my life is.....can drive a person mad, and especially when I play the comparison game. Because I am incredibly guilty of this myself, I would also like to point out how dangerous it is to idolize the lifestyle of other people. Whether it be a celebrity, fashion blogger, or someone you follow on Facebook/Instagram, you will be far happier by making the conscious decision to believe that God has specifically planned your life and your situation to bring Him the most glory and subsequently bring you the most joy! Can I get an amen?!

I don't think I am the only one struggling with this dangerous comparison game. I read a NY Times article recently that stated that one in six high schoolers have considered suicide. It seems like having more "friends" than we have ever had before is not the solution for loneliness or low self-esteem, and it makes me sad to think about the direction our generation is going.

+ To end on a lighter note, all of my friends who live in LA should really go to Lemonade and experience one of my favorite eateries ever!  Especially those of you who love fist-sized macaroons, an endless variety of healthy dishes and exotic lemonade choices. I'll see you there, say next week?

Lemonade LA

Now....onto one of the healthiest veggies on this planet (the one that powers all my thinking!)

kale recipes

Recipes // 1: Winter Lentil Soup // 2. Kale with Roasted Peppers & Olives // 3. Krispy Kale Chips

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