Thursday, March 8, 2012

angular artistry

I am well aware that this is my first blog post of 2012 ---- & I will reluctantly accept my blogger grade of C- (I think I should only get an F if I go 6 months without posting). With that said, it's nice to be back.

We Grow

Much has been happening in the life of our new family. Jon & I are both blessed to have full-time jobs and yet we cherish our weekends  (I know every working individual would agree). Those few days at the end of every week where we get to spend the entire day with each other, they pass all too quickly. The colors of every day are blurring together, but every now and then a vibrant splash of color hits me --- finding our dream chair for our dream price (via Craig's List) -- coming home to a sparkling kitchen (courtesy of my clean husband) -- the music of birds in February morning time -- that new recipe that turns out to be his favorite ---- It is these moments that add glorious detail and a touch of brilliance to the tapestry of our life.

Above all, our new family is trying to focus on pursuing a heavenly kingdom. Every day, it is up to us to make the decision about what kingdom we will live for. Since there are only two options, God's or mine, you think it would be an easy choice. Yet there are little moments that slip by, seemingly unimportant, but moments where I choose to live for me and my desires, what I think will make me happy. It is impossible for you to know the deepest motives behind some of my decisions, and it is impossible for me to know yours. So ultimately, it is up to ME to search my heart, to question my motives and to confess my selfishness each and every day. It is rather wonderful that I have a partner in my life who knows my heart better than anyone else....not much gets by Jon, but it is still my responsibility to be living for Christ.

....Why post now? My dream for this blog is based on my belief that a blog worth following should be more than just emotion or a current state of feeling, I believe it should be woven together in a quilt of beliefs, convictions and the reality of my life.

Maybe that's why I can't seem to find my way with this blog, and maybe that's why I wait to post until inspiration and words gnaw at me. Confused? Maybe I am :) So I continue to wade through the complexities of my mind, I hope that I can figure out a vision for this blog. In the meantime, thanks for reading.

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